Can I let you in on a secret?
I feel like I’m doing something scary in my business.
As the 20th of this month gets closer, I’m feeling more and more excited to kick off my upcoming Launch With Me series.
But I also have moments of discomfort.
Because in this series (which you can register to join for FREE here), I’m going to be documenting a brand new launch in my business.
I’m going to be creating short videos that walk you through each decision and step I take to create, package, market, and sell a new offer in my business.
This means that I’m sharing ALL of my strategies, mindsets, and energetic practices that go into a launch.
But that’s not what makes me uncomfortable…
It’s that I’m going to be sharing a real, honest look into ME while I’m launching.
Meaning any self-doubt that pops up…
Any setbacks…
Any limiting beliefs that arise…
I’m going to be documenting those things too.
Oh, and there’s also the fact that I don’t know HOW exactly this new launch will play out. Will it be a wild success? Will it be a very public failure?
I don’t know!
So that’s all a little scary.
There’s a small part of me that keeps saying “Don’t let people see this. What if the launch doesn’t go well? What will they think?”
But there’s a much bigger part of me that keeps saying “This is going to be so valuable and so much fun!”
Because I don’t see anyone else out there documenting the highs AND lows of a launch in real time.
And in the past, I know that this would have benefited me SO MUCH.
Earlier on in my entrepreneurial journey, I was overwhelmed by all the pieces of a launch.
Not to mention I was always SO worried about whether people would buy or not and had no idea how to move through that in order to sell from a more empowered place.
I would have LOVED to have a strategic roadmap to follow for a launch.
And I would have JUMPED at the chance to get to see someone who’s had a lot of experience with launching walk through the process and share HOW they navigate everything.
So that’s exactly what I’m creating for you inside of Launch With Me.
Ultimately, I know that launching can be overwhelming, challenging, and lonely.
But it doesn’t have to be.
It can be fun, expansive, and an opportunity to connect with your audience (and yourself) on a deeper level.
And I want to show you how.
So if you haven’t joined Launch With Me yet, be sure to grab your spot for FREE here!
And if you want to work closely with me during the 6+ weeks that the Launch With Me series is taking place, then definitely upgrade to the VIP option!
This gives you access to an exclusive Telegram channel where you can ask me questions, receive personalized guidance from me, get extra content/resources around launching, AND enters you to win a month of private coaching with me.
If you want a look into how I launch in my business (with most of my launches generating 5/multiple 5-figures nowadays), I’d love to get to share this journey with you.